Group G
Dr Ursula Dimitriou Ursula Dimitriou is a practicing architect and a researcher. Ursula holds a Diploma in Architecture Engineering from NTUAthens, an MA in Art and Architecture from UPC in Barcelona and a PhD from the department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths University. Her field of expertise is Public Space, Commons, Design and Social Sustainability, Grassroots Urban practices, Theatrical and Ephemeral Practices in the Urban Space. She is the co-director of studio SYN ( interdisciplinary design studio based in London and Athens.
Read More...Bongani Muchemwa Muchemwa is the co-founder of McMu ( , a studio exploring projects in the public realm and is a trustee of Beam an arts organisation that promotes and delivers arts programs in the UK , Bo and his practice have recently been included in Architects Journal 40 under 40 late last year.
Read More...Guest Critics
Vicky Anagnostaki
Elina Loukou
Patrick Massey
Steve McCloy
Ioana Vierita
Nick Woodford
Tahin Khan
Special thanks to our amazing Studio PALS Mariia Galiullina Marta Dziuba for their dedication and enthusiasm
Read More...GROUP G emphasises the investigation of the relationship between social conditions, materiality and performativity of space, and conceptual and formal ideas. We test forms and notions with a series of smaller compositional exercises and ended the year with ‘Ubuntu : A studio for shared culture”. The core value of our project is Ubuntu, a form of humanism and African philosophy which can be expressed in the phrases 'I am because of who we all are'. Based on this the students are designing a home and studio for an individual sculptor of their choice and a place for cultural sharing in Peckham, one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the UK. The students re-imagine and re-define the notion of ‘live’ and ‘work ‘in order to create a bespoke type of architecture that responds both to the specific requirements of their sculptor’s design logic, process and concepts, and to the common cultural values of the wider community of Peckham.