DS 12
Ben Stringer
Pete Barber
Guest Critics
Pierre d’Avoine
Toby Burgess
Kate Corder
Corinna Dean
Dusan Ducermic
Catherine Flood
Prof. Murray Fraser
Nasser Golzari
Prof. David Greene
Sean Griffiths
Ian Hunter
Gill Lambert
Jane McAllister
Stuart Piercy
Toby Shew
Alex Somerville
Mireille Tchapi
Igea Troiani
Tashia Tucker
Many thanks to Justine Bayley (Friends of the Great Barn at Harmondsworth) and to everyone at Grow Heathrow
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Special thanks to Anne Jaureguiberry and everyone in the Urban Design Studio at ENSAS Strasbourg!
Read More...Heathrow Desakota: This year we imagined and designed alternative programmes for the approximately square kilometres of territory earmarked to become the third runway for Heathrow airport. At present this area, to the north and west of the airport, comprises a complex mixture of old villages, logistics infrastructure, farms, wilderness, gravel pits, landfill sites, cement works and more. People who live there have been living with uncertainty for many years now. Our plan envisages new environmentally friendly industries and ways of life for this very contested space other than airport expansion. Questions: where should the stuff we consume come from? How should cities relate to the country? What might productive villages look like in the future? Our brief asked everyone in the studio to identify a different site within the area and to develop a distinct programme for it. Each project includes different kinds of agriculture, industry and housing. While everyone’s individual projects are distinct, relations between them and with the neighbourhood are co-ordinated to some degree too. So together they form a hybrid cluster of interacting projects within an already complex territory. It is the result of individual imaginations, but also a lot of creative negotiation and group design. On our first site visit we went to see the Grow Heathrow settlement and Harmondsworth Great Barn, both places raised profound questions for us about settlement formation.