by Shing Yan Jonathan Ma


Shing Yan Jonathan Ma


MArch Architecture

In light of the widespread use of new technology and experience gained from mass work from home, this project questions the future of offices and workspaces and challenges the norm of the existing typology. / / Indeed these recent events point at a fundamental shift, rather than temporary solutions, in all sorts of life. For urban centres like the City of London, new ways of conducting business and working threaten to make the corporate headquarters and office towers where they reside redundant.The isolated traditional office design built around desk work was deemed not fit for purpose under this trend. This project questions the quantity and nature of these workplaces in the current context. / / In a move reaching for the core of cities, they are first and foremost a place where talents and capital meet. This project proposes the “collaborative hub” in urban centres where it provides a variety of space catering for all sorts of face-to-face meetings, and helps spark more collaborative opportunities. In this envisioned future, the city could focus its role in physical communication despite the demise of large corporate offices while other sorts of work moved to remote locations.