by Hayley Garnham
DS15 is an experimental studio that works with chance and embraces the unintentional. We are encouraged to generate work in a variety of forms such as drawing, making, performance and sound. These creative processes become a critical part of our project’s progression and may be speculative, practical or collaborative. This year we are converting Wormwood Scrubs prison in Hammersmith and Fulham into a place where a collective society of our choice can live and work. We will endeavour to break out of this restrictive building type through demolition, reuse, radical retrofit and more, to create social control through architecture. Women continue to be under-represented all over the world and our objective is to devote our site to supporting women who have experienced the criminal justice system or who are at risk of entering it. Our aim is to transform the lives of these women and their children by building confidence, resilience and wellbeing through a safe and nurturing environment. The Garden of Eves strives for full social, economic, and political equality for women.