by Gergana Georgieva


Gergana Georgieva


MArch Architecture

The Collective Shed radically rethinks our way of living beyond the limitations of a private home and the continuously shrinking areas in Kensington. The proposal suggests counter modes of habitation by incorporating the obsession of private gardens within the local community with the private empty housing to create an alternative spatial intervention. The shed challenges the contextual disconnection of the area by connecting the gardens, empty housing, street and neighbourhood. By exploring the Italian tradition for solidary baskets, the proposal utilises the idea of stitching the community together by providing workshops that can serve as ‘baskets’, allowing everyone to contribute or take depending on their needs. The workshops contain the vision of the grandpa shed and incorporate it by having small workspaces and utilising timber materials collected from the abandoned housing. As part of the contextually provocative initiative, the façade design revealing moments within the replicating facades.