by Hugo Hayashi Farnell Hale

Oxford Street Rewilded, set in the year 2060, in a post-revolutionary communist society. My proposal envisions Oxford Street as a sustainable haven, where nature thrives and the vestiges of capitalism are replaced with a communal living ethos, underpinned by principles of eco-communism. Oxford Street Rewilded is driven by the primary objective of restoring the street to its natural state through rewilding, a process that revitalises the urban landscape and restores ecological balance. By eradicating all remnants of capitalism and commercial infrastructure, the street is transformed into a lush, green corridor seamlessly integrated with its natural surroundings, reflecting the principles of an eco-communist society. In addition to rewilding, my project places a strong emphasis on communal living and local meeting spots. Former commercial structures are repurposed into co-housing units, fostering a sustainable and interconnected way of life that embodies the core tenets of communism. Community allotments, and open gathering spaces adorn the street, serving as vibrant hubs for social activities, cultural exchange and food production. Rewilding of Oxford Street represents a utopian vision rooted in environmental stewardship, communal harmony, and the profound connection between nature and humanity, guided by the principles of communism.