by Charlotte Chin

An exhibition theme park. The MOVE theme park located in the Eilandje District in Antwerp creates a new opportunity for the people of Antwerp to have fun and celebrate the significance of the Port of Antwerp. The city of Antwerp has a rich history and background that involved the movement of the logistics by land, air and sea. An exhibition theme park consist of the interplay with exhibits and amusement park rides. This MOVE theme park celebrates the movement of people, machines, mechanics and the natural environment of the port. This theme park calls for the celebration of logistics of the past in the1960s to 2010s that evolves into the innovative port that is now today. Deriving from the elements of the sea; The Red Star Line; by land, the Antwerp Central Station, the old Petrol Harbour and also Ford Assembly Plant. The city of Antwerp showcases unique element that creates dynamic movements around the city. In Josephine Kane’s book of Architecture of Pleasure, she emphasises the importance of pleasure is to a city.