by Riane Oukili

My research highlights how archeology and Egyptology are a product of colonialism. By disrupting the routine operation of power, it will halt the acquisition of knowledge about Egypt’s ancient past and allow the inhabitants to physically reclaim the territory and its history. The new port’s architectural typology will stand as an act of resistance against imperial force and its ideology of “development and progress”. The new harbour will also imagine Alexandria’s future and how it can be artificially maintained if the city submerges, which is predicted by the end of the century. The lighthouse has been rethink and restored to its original role to address an urgent new problem and alert people to the potential for flooding throughout the year. As it cleans, the tower will light up due to its capacity to absorb water, preventing the locals from the danger of rising water. The lighthouse and the dam absorb water through openings that enable the sea to sink underground and bring the archaeological remains back to life.