by Filippo Cocca

The Baddieverse is a "digital place of un-labour" located in the ruin of la Kalsa in Palermo, Italy. Based on Marxist philosopher Mackenzie Wark's recent writings, the Baddieverse aims to subvert the current dynamic where the hacker, the user, seen as data producer, is instrumental to the virtual. Instead, the project proposes a scenario where it is the virtual that is instrumental to the user. In doing so, the Baddieverse offers the Palermo LGBTQ+ community a place of expression and of building of a collective identity. It incorporates topical queer cultural spaces such as the techno raves which, according to Wark, are the cultural space of the digital society, the only cultural space where the digital labour deployed to "put the rave together" subtracts itself from its com modification, in this sense, digital labour becomes "un-labour': an instrument for the community to heal from trauma, taking advantage of the infinite potential of the virtual as means of expression.