by Viktorija Minseviciute


Viktorija Minseviciute



BA Interior Architecture

The main idea of this project is to reuse old pallets to make furniture that would be placed around the local green spaces and Gillet square to reunite the Dalston community. There is a lot of communities around Dalston, such as Middle Asian countries. This project could create a hub where the communities meet. This would regrow the community spirit that has been lost over the past few years. The old pallets, collected from local shops and community could be “regrown” into the furniture. This would decrease the wood waste and could also benefit the area positively. The pallets could also be used to create more green spaces in the area such as green walls and green pots. A part from making the furniture for public use the furniture maker would also take in orders from people. Overall the Regrowth of used wood from the pallets, would also regrow the Dalston community spirit and create more green space.