by Marta Nuevalos Camacho


Marta Nuevalos Camacho


BA Interior Architecture

This architectural project aims to create an Avantgarde Retail Store for the fashion brand SERAPIS. Strongly rooted in the Mediterranean lifestyle, the Greek brand finds their identity in water as an element and are passionate about archival and ancestral imagery. They are passionate about spreading art through different media. They add value into the creative world with their fashion work, art performances, etc. Their concept store is divided in three distinct floors, each serving a different purpose. The Lower Ground Floor will function as a storage space, ensuring efficient management of inventory and toilet for staff members. The Ground Floor will be the primary shopping area, where customers can explore and purchase SERAPIS products as well as trying them on in their fitting rooms if needed. Additionally, the First Floor will be dedicated to hosting performances and art exhibitions, allowing SERAPIS to showcase their artistic vision of the world through various mediums. The space will be capable of accommodating up to 80 people for special events. The intervention's duration will be limited to one year, offering a dynamic and ever-evolving retail experience for SERAPIS customers and enthusiasts.

Translucent ceiling: Light and cork reflection on the ground floor represented in a 1:50 scale model