by Ho Kiu Denise Leung


Ho Kiu Denise Leung


MArch Architecture

Addressing water scarcity and pollution in Kent, Helio Waterland aims to achieve zero liquid waste by integrating desalination and biogas production with water treatment. This benefits the community with fertilizers, freshwater, and methane-powered electricity, while reducing carbon emissions using leftover brine for magnesium oxide cement production. The design places emphasis on human experience and water supply efficiency, inviting visitors and employees to embark on an otherworldly journey through three distinct areas. This immersive experience fosters a deeper understanding of nature's vital role in water purification. The living machine concept is implemented with a terraced design, featuring six tanks on steel walkways that facilitate the natural flow of water between stages, mirroring the gradient of the concrete structure. Transparent ETFE materials allow sunlight to pass through the bubbles, while underground moisture maintains an optimal humidity level for the plants. Triangulated supports effectively distribute forces, and diagrid cables enhance integrity by resisting lateral forces and transferring loads. To sum up, Helio Waterland presents a holistic approach to water treatment, generating clean water for reuse and eliminating liquid waste. It not only provides a unique living environment to the surroundings but also secures the water supply for the future.