by Leonardo Silva Ritter


Leonardo Silva Ritter


BA Architecture

The Terminus is a community that provides RMT strikers with the necessary materials and space to re-imagine their skills and regain their power. Starting with a 15-20m deep pit, The Terminus is designed with descending terraces, a canvas which is looked over by the neighboring high-end offices, reflecting back to them the cause and effect of their actions. Drawing inspiration from the demolished rail network, the proposal aims to keep the previous linearity within the site, with all spaces as variations of the same rectangular prism. Set in a near future where the strikers have begun the construction of automatas: a mechanical device which performs a set of coded instructions; The Terminus offers workshop and storage spaces, alongside ‘thinking pods’, where automatas will be fabricated. With a canal linking The Terminus to the Thames and the Regents Canal network, automatas would be designed, assembled, and exported all from the same site, with all profits benefiting the former RMT strikers. These automatas will be the new transport operators and computed station staff. The rail workers would be replaced by their own creations, jumping one step ahead of the transport companies.