by Debo Laoye
The COVID-19 pandemic's two-year standstill drastically altered our lives, influencing how we live, work, and interact. Prolonged isolation has fueled a renewed wanderlust and a culture of constant mobility, demanding portable and flexible architectural forms. In this "New Revolution," communities envision ever-changing landscapes that accommodate the ebb and flow of members coming and going, offering distinct environments within the same location. The aim of this proposal is to manifest these new principles of everyday living within the context of our current environment, by creating a dynamic and ever-evolving environment that can accommodate the changing needs and desires of its inhabitants. The core of this proposal lies in a permanent steel frame structure, within which cubic modular spaces can be added or removed to accommodate the constant influx and departure of community members. The offsite construction of these modules allows for easy transportation and installation within the allocated spaces. This approach not only provides the necessary flexibility but also ensures efficiency and minimal disruption to the existing environment. By showcasing this transformative way of living, underutilized spaces can be revitalized, repurposed, and given new life to meet the evolving demands of our current environments.
Animated collage depicting the evolution of Soho's landscape as a result of the cultural progression throughout history