by Morgan Anderson
Oxford Street is currently a place of speed - fast movement, fast fashion, fast consumption. Reimagining Oxford Street as a place for slowing down, encouraged by both the pavilion and the 3D hypostyle, will restore Oxford Street as the greatest shopping street by reminding the people of the enjoyment of shopping. Introducing intentional obstructions into the architecture will reduce the speed of footfall and encourage pedestrians to better acknowledge their surroundings. On the street, this will help to draw attention to overlooked ‘gems’ hidden in and around the street. Off the street, this will help the consumer appreciate the craft and beauty of both the product and the architecture. The makers and the consumers occupy the same spaces and take their time to test and enjoy the product, creating a more intimate street driven by craft. The wider vision for Oxford street is to repeat this model up and down the street, restoring the balance between shoppers and commuters and push back against the ‘place of speed’.