DS 2.2


Natalie Newey


NN is a Senior Lecturer and SFHEA. She has extensive experience working in practice and is particularly interested in engaging students in collaboration, local issues and environmental issues.


Richa Mukhia


RM is a director of an award-winning architectural practice M.O.S Architects. She has extensive experience working in the private and public sector with a particular interest in housing design, public realm and community engagement.


Guest Critics

Amr Assaad
Simon Banfield
Marta Dziuba
Lauren Fashokun
Mina Gohary
Nancy Guest
Yannick Guillen Sloma
Lauren Li Porter
William Mclean
Paresh Parmar
Dain Son Robinson
Afolabi Spence
Sumaita Zaman



Andrea Charlson – ReLondon, Harriet Jennings – The Building Centre, Theo Jones and Jacob Valvis - Green Mat Workshop, Holly Lewis – We Made That, Douglas McMaster – Silo, Janet McNamara – Brentford Local History Society, Ellie Sampson -Architect/Model Maker, Dain Son Robinson – Sustainablilty Coordinator, U of W, Thom Stanbury – Watermans Art Centre, Simona Valeriani – V & A


This year students acted as Architectural Pioneers, reimagining our built environment, responding to materials scarcity while developing social value for communities. The studio challenged students to imagine how we will design and build in the future, creating architecture that is more resilient and responsive. Brentford was our site for the year, an area of stark contrasts. Recent developments locally are changing the face Brentford, creating tension between longstanding residents and new arrivals and threatening the stability of an already fragile community. Semester one was spent developing a Provocation Pavilion, designed to uncover issue and conflicts and instigate a conversation. In Semester two we combined Industry and Culture in a 24-hour building. Students developed imaginative proposals including ‘Shit Show” a facility for turning local sewage into 3D printed theatre sets and ‘Independent City’ a new circular form of market garden which acts as a community hub for Brentford.