by arvindaa balamurugan


arvindaa balamurugan


MArch Architecture

The site of Dungeness is at risk of flooding due to sea level rise, this project aims to develop architectural intervention based on this new situation supporting the local economy to continue among the new situations and open to new markets in food production business project proposes a new factory house that brings together different farmers, investors, technologists to create community-based operation towards food production. creating a co-owned community towards new opportunities. The main aim of project is to device systems that reduces the gap between the infrastructure and a farmer offering spatial flexibility and simplicity, reducing a large team, high labour costs Inspired by the concept of digitalization and digital automation of Infrastructure that can be assembled by anyone with commonly available materials and local labour despite their location. Following a part - module - massing - construction method the building is taken to modularity where a farmer can access a needed built space through templates from an open digital source.

Expansion of hub by adding more modules though time