by Chada Elalami

“Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture”. This is only one of many messages requested to be evoked by a report on long-term nuclear waste warning messages. In laying out the dangers of nuclear power, few are aware of the hazards caused by unethical nuclear waste disposal methods. While it is technologically challenging to eradicate radioactive traces from the ecosystem, it is crucial to attempt to locate sites of concentrated radiation and communicate it by using nuclear semiotics. The project involves a complex superposition of architectural programmes to keep up with the extended radiation timeline. At t0, that is when the decommissioning is completed, a nuclear centre – meant to be transient – neighbours the repository. Left to decay, the architecture timeline reaches t1, more than 50 years later, when the skin of the building has collapsed, revealing a core under structure of stone markers. With an emphasis on stability and durability, the markers invite visitors to explore a nuclear museum in an augmented world. Therefore, at t1+, the future generations are presented with an array of spatial sequences recounting the complex nuclear history, from its genesis in the 20th century to its downfall.