by Aisha Mughal
My project is located in Walthamstow Borough, this is one of the most greenest boroughs with an abundance of nature and ecologies. My project uses this as an opportunity to integrate bird ecology within, my mixed use housing and retail complex in Stanley Rd Car Park. . The population of Song Thrush birds has significantly decreased in London, therefore, I have considered them as users in my proposal and, I have designed habitat walls for the birds which is integrated into my architectural design. My aim is to allow humans and birds co exist and benefit each other. There are many benefits for humans to be in nature, such as the calming effect of hearing birds singing. Humans can provide birds with compost and plants in an undisrupted environment. Inspired by Luciano Pia's 25 Green and Oldham's Walk by Donald Ball, I designed a layered complex for housing, retail and social green spaces which are connected through public walkways, and staircases. I have designed sustainably through my choice of materials and choices of introducing more greenery without disturbing the existing trees. ? ?