by Thais Ribeiro Rodrigues
The proposal aims to provide a space where primary school aged children can learn about the importance of urban wildlife, as well as practical ways of helping other species thrive in the city, through workshops and other manual activities taking place mainly outdoors but supported by a pavilion-type main teaching space. The site is located on an existing car park within the Brandon Estate, adjacent to Kennington Park, in south London. The Young Rewilders’ Pavilion could become a beacon in the community. The building itself would act as a “third teacher”, drawing from the idea that a child’s learning environment should be an embodiment of the knowledge produced within it. The proposal for the pavilion is based on the reconceptualisation of the existing landscape, which would be reclaimed by the local community and transformed from a modernist idealised picturesque landscape into a wildscape. Within this wildscape, the “place where the sidewalk ends” features a long-lost cottage that can be found by those who take a detour from the main path connecting the Estate with Kennington Park. There, among trees and overgrown vegetation, children, animals and plants find refuge from the busy city.