by Daria




MArch Architecture

The Liquid Landscape is a prototype for a ‘proving ground’ of the declining water security due to climatic anomalies, especially in an already water-stressed area of England (Kent). To tackle that, water management companies propose reducing leakage, building resilience through water catchment as well as a decreasing per capita consumption. The proposal is focusing on creating catchment variety through air and land (condensation, rain, and flood) as well as supporting public engagement and education by creating a public mixed-use infrastructural park. The local water supplier, Affinity Water released in their 2080 Water Resources Management Plan, that the per capita consumption has to decrease to 30L/h/day by 2025.Therefore, the Liquid Landscape system acts as a buffer to help the community when the existing local water infrastructure is unable to provide enough water. Operation Neptune proposes a new water management typology that creates a performative landscape system of distributing and capturing water from multiple sources (condensation, rain, surface water, and flood). The public water performative landscape is part of a larger infrastructure that spans across the coast of Dungeness and acts as a central piece that connects air capturing devices placed in the more humid and windy part of the coast (Operation Jupiter), while the lake accumulates the flood occurring in the risk areas through the system of canals (Operation Venus).