by Valentina Cazacu


Valentina Cazacu


BA Interior Architecture

Semester 1- Bread Model The Bread Model was a task with the objective of using bread to create a model with openings that allowed light to enter the enclosure, creating a specific light quality. This challenged our creativity and thought process of adapting the bread by moulding, toasting it etc to create a space that allows light in. Semester 2- Social Hub "Gaia Plantation Hub" Gaia Plantation Hub is a communal space offering workshops for children and adults, teaching them the importance of planting and sustainability. The hub brings the community together and helps the environment by educating people on sustainable living. It also hosts charity events that support and encourage planting trees and other plants. The hub offers a retail area which also supports planting, it's located at the front of the building.

Importance of community hubs teaching sustainability and planting.